10 Kitchen Storage Solutions with Character

The kitchen is primarily for storage, but it can become quite predictable: think of rows of built-in cabinets and wall cabinets, emphasizing practicality over personality. So, how does your cooking space smartly hold everything you need while looking new and exciting? These 10 great solutions offer some fresh ideas – not to mention storing something eye-catching!

Select full size. The food pantry is big news in the world of kitchen storage, and for good reason. While the traditional basic unit requires you to get down on your knees and hold a flashlight to find the last can of beans, what’s stored in a tall pantry like this one is easy to see and reach. Often equipped with drawers, shelves, baskets, and even lighting fixtures that can perform well even in ultra-slender situations, these modern beauties are lovely.

Create an island library. Passionate home cooks have amassed a large number of cookbooks over the years, but there isn’t always enough room to store them. Books placed near the stove may become messy, grease-stained, and perhaps not worth putting in a prominent place.

But what about this: neat shelves at the end of the island? These books are visible and add color, but they are not central to the kitchen design, and they are easy to find when you’re looking for recipes.

Magnify. A food pantry that doubles as a breakfast station is sure to make any storage fanatic’s heart skip a beat. This is perhaps the ultimate kitchen furniture, a piece that most of us can only dream of.

It combines a lot of storage space and a dedicated space where you can prepare coffee and bake bread. Then, you can stand while eating and look at the neatly arranged shelves. Life doesn’t get any better, does it? Find a professional organizer near you

Repurpose the hanger. Dishwashing towels are on cupboards or oven doorknobs, right? You can hang them on a hanger on the wall! Original, quirky, inexpensive storage.

Make room for bulky things. Cutting boards and trays are bulky and often heavy, and can benefit from a dedicated home, such as incorporating this compartment into a series of cabinets. It’s a very simple little storage detail, but very valuable.

Abandon the Convention. This pale and unpretentious kitchen may not be to the taste of a tidy maniac, but its freewheeling storage is admirable.

Despite the clutter it may seem on the surface, I suspect that its owner knows exactly where everything is and that all the essentials are quickly accessible from the stove

Choose a cute long shelf. There is a growing trend towards long shelves, which simply separate a series of units instead of providing daily storage space. They can be a home for beautiful items or strange recipes or plants, helping to personalize the built-in design and brighten up its appearance.

Hang it high. In the kitchen, it is a smart move to utilize vertical space, as the storage space in the kitchen usually takes up very little space. This space has a metal shelf, which may never have been designed for the kitchen, but is perfect for placing pans and cutlery.

It is mounted high on the wall to reduce the risk of hitting your head into the frying pan!

Resist sleekness. Kitchen design often tends to be sleek and efficient, but it can also take on a more edgy, homemade look while still containing plenty of practical storage space. So think horizontally and make some shelves with old pipes and planks – you’ll get storage space and original style at the same time.

Add a few variations on the typical basis. Kitchen storage needs to be well-designed and ample enough to accommodate everything from cups to jams. But really great kitchen storage can do just that, while adding a unique touch.

These glass cabinets are fairly basic, but the tiles on the interior add detail and interest and enhance the industrial feel of the kitchen.

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